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DC/AC 3000 Watt Inverter

3000 watt True Sine-Wave AC unit with high-surge capability that can provide the necessary current to start-up demanding electrical loads. The unit also includes an innovative USB connection for providing power to most USB chargeable devices and has a built in warning alarm (to restart the vehicle) and an automatic shut down if battery voltage reaches 11.0 Vdc or 10.5 Vdc, respectively.

The compact size (3.9" x 11.8" x 13.7”) allows it to be conveniently installed in the cab behind the seat where it is protected from the weather. In addition to dual GFCI AC receptacles on the unit itself, heavy duty cabling carries the source of AC to an all weather receptacle at the rear deck area to provide power for all types of electrical loads including, variable speed power tools for mixing Utilibond and electrical appliances, such as the core heater for cold weather reinstatement work.




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